Health Care Marketing on Steroids!


HealthCare MMC® Today!

MMC® has worked with over 500 high-end athletic clubs and more than 350 golf courses, sold more than 1,200,000 memberships. We have raised over $260 million in up-front cash and over $580 million in back-end revenue for combined revenue of over $840 million (almost a billion dollars) in revenue for our partnering clients.

The healthcare industry is in a death spiral begging for a lifeline. Chuck Thompson and his team at MMC® have seen this scenario play out twice before in two other industries and in both instances they have been able to revolutionized those industries. Specializing in penetrating untapped/difficult-to-reach segments of markets by identifying, engaging and locking up long-term relationships with consumers who have disposable income with innovative no-risk self-funding member/patient acquisition campaigns is exactly what MMC® does and is exactly what healthcare providers need.
Chuck founded MMC® in 1991 and in fifteen years Chuck and his team worked with over 500 health clubs, sold over 500,000 health club memberships, raised more than $125 million in up-front cash and have been directly responsible for over $250 million in back-end revenue for our health club clients. If you have purchased a health club membership in the past twenty years there is a good chance Chuck Thompson’s fingerprints are on it.

Health club owners struggled to stay afloat in the 1990s because there was too much inventory (health clubs and gyms to choose from) and not enough demand (health and fitness conscience consumers) after the aerobic explosion in the 1980s drove entrepreneurs to open a health club on every corner.

Chuck built a consumer profile using psychographics (lifestyles, habits, purchase patterns) to identified casual users (the deconditioned consumer affectionately coined as the couch-potatoes) with an interest in health and fitness which was an untapped/difficult-to-reach segment, overlooked market. Chuck then engineered a marketing campaign specifically designed to engage those consumers with an offer to get them to take immediate action. Chuck knew with owners already suffering financially he needed to designed the campaign to be no-risk for the business owner by ensuring all funds necessary to launch the campaign would be generated by the campaign hence, requiring no up-front fees; which is exactly what he did.

Chuck Thompson authored a book detailing the process of this campaign titled “Affordable Health and Fitness: The Business of Health and Fitness available on Amazon product #0692763449.

Chuck noticed the same scenario was soon to play out in the golf industry at the turn of the century and in late 2005 opened MMC®’s golf division. Since launching their first campaign in January 2006 MMC® has worked with more than 350 golf courses, sold over 525,000 golf memberships, and raised more than $105 million in up-front cash and have been directly responsible for over $210 million in back-end revenue for our golf course clients. If you have purchased a golf course membership in the past five years there is a good chance Chuck Thompson’s fingerprints are on it.

Golf exploded in the 1990s and developers couldn’t build golf courses fast enough but at the turn of the century Golf courses were going under faster than one of Tiger Woods’ putts. Chuck saw the same scenario play out in the golf industry as it had in the health club industry, that is, too much inventory (open tee-times at numerous courses) and not enough demand (golfers).

Once again, Chuck built a consumer profile using psychographics (lifestyles, habits, purchase patterns) to identified casual users (casual and non-golfers) with an interest in golf which was an untapped/difficult-to-reach, overlooked portion of the market. Chuck then engineered a marketing campaign specifically designed to engage those consumers with an offer to get them to take immediate action. Just as in the health club industry, Chuck knew with course owners already suffering financially he needed to designed the campaign to be no-risk for the business owner by ensuring all funds necessary to launch the campaign would be generated by the campaign hence, requiring no up-front fees; which is exactly what he did. Once again, I designed a marketing concept that identified, engaged and locked up long-term relationships with the hard-to-reach market (casual and non-golfers) that is, consumer who have recently purchased within the golf category. With MMC®’s proprietary profile, extensive knowledge and experience in membership marketing and sales, they were able to penetrate an untapped market which had been overlooked by the industry experts.

Chuck Thompson authored a book detailing this campaign titled “Golf: The Untapped Market – Why the Pros are Failing to Grow the Game available on Amazon product #0692862269.

MMC®’s Healthcare Business Opportunity Video

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