Health Care Marketing on Steroids!
It’s not a “get-rich-quick scheme” nor is it a “too good to be true” offer—it’s just forward thinking from a healthcare marketing company that hits ’em straight!…MMC®
There are no upfront fees or out-of-pocket expenses and MMC® gets paid solely on the success of the campaign.
Our services are absolutely free until you start acquiring new patients/customers.
MMC® has worked with over 500 high-end athletic clubs and more than 350 golf courses, sold more than 1,200,000 memberships. We have raised over $260 million in up-front cash and over $580 million in back-end revenue for combined revenue of over $840 million (almost a billion dollars) in revenue for our partnering clients.
We generated almost $1,000,000.00 in immediate cash and increased our overall revenue by 50% in a little over 90 days.
This year has been extremely wet in Florida and in hindsight I can see had I not partnered with MMC® on this marketing campaign when I did I would have had a very difficult year.